Tor browser ubuntu signature verification failed
Tor browser ubuntu signature verification failed

The launch with TOR button offered by the Firefox plug-in returns The following example should be indicative of my level of confusion and uncertainty. I tried going through the other threads here, as well as other instructional web pages I've found, but don't even understand, or am at least uncertain of, some of the terminology. I wish to use TOR with Firefox for privacy sake but encountered the failed key authorization issue when i installed the TOR browser. Various GUI functions as learned through mouse-over text.The sudo prefix on a command issues admin privileges with the command.The terminal is the underlying command interface of Linux, it is used to issue commands to the OS.My knowledge of UBUNTU, garnered over the last couple of days, is essentially limited to:

tor browser ubuntu signature verification failed

I recently downloaded and installed UBUNTU 16.04.02 LTS on my old Lenovo Thinkpad E320, effectively reviving what I had thought to be a dead machine. I am also relatively ignorant of the inner workings of software and OS's and of networking in general. I am about as new to Linux as it is possible to be.

Tor browser ubuntu signature verification failed